Stated Meeting -Thursday, May 9th, 2024.  Meal served at 6:30 pm and Lodge opens at 7:30 pm.

May 9th

Stated Meeting. Meal served at 6:30 pm and Lodge will open at 7:30 pm. The stated meeting is being held on the second Thursday this month because the Lodge is being used for primary voting during the first week. All Masons welcome.

May 11th

Fellow Craft Degree. Royal Center Lodge will confer the Fellow Craft Degree upon a worthy Brother. Breakfast will be served at 8 AM and degree work to follow. All Fellow Crafts and Master Masons are welcome.

May 17th

Pork Chop Dinner Fund Raiser. Serving pork chops or pork burger sandwiches,baked beans, mac and cheese, dessert and drink. Serving from 4:30 pm til 7 pm. Open to the public.

June 6th

State Meeting. Meal will be served at 6:30 pm and the Lodge will open at 7:30 pm. All Masons are welcome.


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