Stated Meeting ,Thursday, October 3rd, 2024.  Meal served at 6:30 pm and Lodge opens at 7:30 pm.

2024 Officers
Worshipful Master:
Dean Berry

Brother Dean was initiated an Entered Apprentice on April 25, 2002, passed to a Fellow Craft on February 02, 2003 and raised to a Master Mason on April 10, 2003. Brother Dean served as Worshipful Master in 2009 and 2010.
Senior Warden:
Greg Goodrich

Brother Greg was initiated an Entered Apprentice on March 12, 2015, passed to a Fellow Craft on July 22, 2015 and raised to a Master Mason on February 18, 2016. Brother Greg served as Worshipful Master in 2021 and 2022.
Junior Warden:
Temo Garate

Brother Temo was initiated an Entered Apprentice on August 4, 2007, passed to a Fellow Craft on February 28, 2008 and raised to a Master Mason on April 4, 2008.
Matt Kitchell

Brother Matt was initiated an Entered Apprentice on Jan. 24, 2013, passed to a Fellow Craft on April 30, 2013 and raised to a Master Mason on July 30, 2013.
Assistant Secretary:
Brother Ralph was initiated an Entered Apprentice on June 19, 1980, passed to a Fellow Craft on Aug. 31, 1980 and raised to a Master Mason on Sept. 27, 1980. Brother Ralph served as Worshipful Master in 1986, 1991, and 1995. Brother Ralph also received his 25 yr. Award of Silver on Oct. 20, 2005. Brother Ralph was also a Grand Lodge Officer, serving as Grand Steward and Tyler for Grand Master Richard J. Elman in 2004-05
Steve Smith

Brother Steve was initiated an Entered Apprentice on Oct. 12, 2002, passed to a Fellow Craft on Feb. 20, 2003 and was raised to a Master Mason on April 17, 2003. Brother Steve served as Worshipful Master in 2013 and 2014
Senior Deacon:
Alan Chesley, Sr.

Brother Alan was initiated an Entered Apprentice on July 17, 2014, passed to a Fellow Craft on October 23, 2014 and raised to a Master Mason on January 21, 2015. Brother Alan was duly elected to serve as Worshipful Master on November 1, 2018 and received the Past Master Degree on November 15, 2018. Brother Alan served as Worshipful Master in 2019 and 2020.
Junior Deacon:
Mike Babb

Brother Mike was initiated an Entered Apprentice on May 2, 1969, passed to a Fellow Craft on March 13, 1970 and raised to a Master Mason on June 11, 1970.
Senior Steward:
Jack Graham

Brother Jack was initiated an Entered Apprentice on October 22nd, 1977, passed to a Fellow Craft on December 28th, 1977 and raised to Master Mason on February 4th, 1978. Brother Jack served as
Worshipful Master of Rochester Lodge #79 in 2018 and 2020.
Junior Steward:
Virgil Myers

Brother Virgil was initiated an Entered Apprentice on November 2nd, 1974, passed to a Fellow Craft on March 15th, 1975 and raised to a Master Mason on June 14th, 1975. Brother Virgil received his 25 year Award of Silver on February 2nd, 2002.
James Boyer

Brother Jim was initiated an Entered Apprentice on Oct. 24, 1988, passed to a Fellow Craft on June 12, 1989, and raised to a Master Mason on Nov. 20, 1989. Brother Jim served as Worshipful Master in 1997.
Alan Chesley, Jr.

Brother Alan was initiated an Entered Apprentice on March 12th, 2020, passed to a Fellow Craft on September 1st, 2020 and raised to a Master Mason on July 20th, 2021.
Alan Chesley

Brother Alan was initiated an Entered Apprentice on July 17, 2014, passed to a Fellow Craft on October 23, 2014 and raised to a Master Mason on January 21, 2015. Brother Alan was duly elected to serve as Worshipful Master on November 1, 2018 and received the Past Master Degree on November 15, 2018. Brother Alan served as Worshipful Master in 2019 and 2020.
Greg Goodrich

Brother Greg was initiated an Entered Apprentice on March 12, 2015, passed to a Fellow Craft on July 22, 2015 and raised to a Master Mason on February 18, 2016. Brother Greg served as Worshipful Master in 2021 and 2022.
Rob Robinson

Brother Rob was initiated an Entered Apprentice on April 25, 2002, passed to a Fellow Craft on October 17, 2002 and raised to a Master Mason on January 30, 2003. Brother Rob also served as Worshipful Master in 2011, 2012 and 2023.


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